Dr. Esther Thelen on Nature vs Nuture in learning to WALK
Dynamic Systems Theory
Nature vs. Nurture
Is a child’s potential fixed due to hereditary?
Can interaction with one’s environment influence development, behavior, or the structure of the brain itself?
“For years, most researchers believed that infants reached and walked when parts of the brain responsible for these activities “matured.” But based on 19 years of research, Dr. Esther Thelen, believed that these accomplishments reflect a complex interplay of factors that includes babies’ changing bodies and their external environments, as well as their growing brains and nervous systems. “Babies are constantly trying to figure out things like ‘How am I going to look around?’ and ‘How am I going to see that nice smiley face?’ “ Dr. Thelen told Indiana University’s Research & Creative Activity journal in spring 2003.
“I believe the behavior we see is not residing somewhere fixed in the brain. Instead, it emerges in the movement.” Esther Thelan, Ph.D.
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